This spring, we contracted Martech, an online technical safety training provider, to offer online safety learning modules to our employees. Safety has always been a top priority for the company, and this new platform makes it easier for employees to stay up-to-date on the latest industry protocols and procedures.
During the first three months of the kickoff, employees were required to complete two modules per month. Each module includes knowledge quizzes throughout the lesson as well as a comprehension test at the end of the module. Employees must pass the final test to receive credit for completing the module.
We will continue to expand this program with role specific training programs. These modules provide technical information on how to better understand safety, or how to complete specific tasks in a safe way. Employees will continue training sessions with SafeStart, which is their behavioral safety training which happens in a classroom setting each month.
In order to accommodate this new online training, we invested in ten Chromebooks for each location. The main facility in Houston also has a new computer lab, which provides all employees with onsite access to this new internet-based training. Employees are also able to bring in their own computers to the lab, and their Supervisor can assist them in setting gaining access to the program from their own device.
We are excited about this new program and know that our employees will gain a significant amount of knowledge from these continuing education opportunities.